Report #3: Big Gains & New Schools!
We’re into the final stretch of the school year.
Who will remain on Top as a “Drill-ceptional” school, in their region, is anyone’s guess. So far students have submitted over 885,000 Drills+ Breezin’ Thru Theory Mad Dash Drills, and best of all they are mastering them, as they do ’em. Well done kids!
Here are some highlights from Report #3:
- 4 new schools are on the Leaderboard!
- The Overall Leader has changed hands too … they’re comin’ from the East.
- We’ve also added a list of schools with the “Biggest Gains” that aren’t on the Leaderboard, yet. But watch out!
Here’s how Drill-ceptional works: We’ve divided North America into 5 regions … North, South, East, West, and Central. Every few months we identify the TOP 3 schools for each region (subject to your permission). Results are based on the total number of drills submitted to date for the 2017-18 school year, AND the school’s average needs to be 90% or higher on these drills to qualify.
Drum Roll Please …. The “Drill-ceptional” Schools as of March 31, 2018 are:
Here are the 5 Regions
The Top 3 Schools in each region are listed below. Congrats!!!
Report 3: As of March 31, 2018
(for the 2017-18 school year)
* Indicates new schools on leaderboard

Best in the West
- Skyview High School*
(Billings, MT) - Ferris High School
(Spokane, WA) - Oak Harbor HS
(Oak Harbor, WA)
Next Up: Albuquerque Academy (NM), Valley Christian (CA)
The Northern Lights
- Bishop Allen Academy
(Toronto, ON) - Hazel McCallion Sr PS
(Mississauga, ON) - Vincent Massey HS
(Brandon, MB)
Next Up: Villanova College (ON), Cardinal Carter CSS (ON)*
Feast of the East
- Dempsey MS
(Delaware, OH) - Fairfax HS
(Fairfax, VA) - Ravenscroft School
(Raleigh, NC)
Next Up: Valley Lutheran HS (MI)*, Northwest School of the Arts (NC)
Center Stage
- Adlai E. Stevenson HS
(Lincolnshire, IL) - Jefferson City HS
(Jefferson City, MO) - Lincoln-Way East HS
(Frankfort, IL)
Next Up: Percy-Julian MS (IL), Chicago Academy HS (IL)
Southern Stars
- Plano West SH
(Plano, TX) - Plano Sr High
(Plano, TX) - Allen HS
(Allen, TX)
Next Up: Plano East (TX), Out-of-Door Academy (FL)*, Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy (FL)

Woohoo &
Congratulations to All !!!
(In the last 3 months)
4500+ drills
Kamiak H.S. (WA)
3500+ drills
Colonel Irvine School (AB)
St. John Paul II CSS (ON)
2500+ drills
IDEA Allan College Prep (TX)
Vanguard H.S. (FL)
Dante Alighieri Academy (ON)
Granger H.S. (UT)
Hidden Oaks M.S. (MN)
St. Michael’s Lutheran School (MI)
Mascoutah H.S. (IL)
There’s a New Overall Leader and it’s… Dempsey Middle School (OH)
with an incredible 21,198 drills submitted to date for the school year!!!
P.S. Keep on drillin’ kids …
There’s still plenty of opportunity to make it on the Leaderboard! Next report will be the Final Results for the 2017-18 School Year – prizes will be awarded.