Breezin’ Thru ULTIMATE PLAYOFF Starts January 21st! Note for note, get ready to play against the best. Your school goes up against schools from across North America and around the world and students put their skills to the test. THE COUNTDOWN IS ON! 5 Chances to WIN 4 Exciting games 3 Ways to rank […]

We all know how hard it can be to secure funding for music programs. That’s why we wanted to share this story from Amanda Irby, band director, and Matthew Rubenstein, orchestra and guitar director, who teach at Burney-Harris Lyons Middle School in Clarke Country School District, GA.
Like many schools, they were able to get funding during the pandemic, but once things got back to normal, that support was cut. Without Breezin’ Thru they saw their music program suffer and were determined to get it back. They knew that a data-driven approach would help them make their case. See how they did it!
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Breezin’ Thru ULTIMATE PLAYOFF Results are in! Bravo! A huge thank you to all the students who put their music theory skills to the test across North America and around the world! The Breezin’ Thru Ultimate Playoff is now finished and we have our winners. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS Treble Winner Ben Steele MS […]

As a music educator, Natalie DiNardo, of De La Salle College “Oaklands,” has long searched for an online music theory program. “The old standard theory book was dry, had to be collected and marked and could not provide instant feedback.”
Her quest led her to Breezin’ Thru Theory, which not only caters to the diverse needs of students but also makes learning an enjoyable and engaging experience.
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New! It’s the fun and easy way to master instrument fingerings and solfège.
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Breezin’ Thru ULTIMATE PLAYOFF Results are in! Bravo! A huge thank you to all the students who put their music theory skills to the test across North America and around the world! The Breezin’ Thru Ultimate Playoff is now finished and we have our winners. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS Treble Winner Emmanuel Christian School […]
Breezin’ Thru Theory LIVE “Best Practices” Webinar Specifically designed to support performance programs, Breezin’ Thru Theory can quickly close learning gaps and amplify your students’ mastery of musical concepts. This session will cover best practices that will take your program to the next level. We’ve collected strategies shared by teachers over the years, and you can share yours too! […]
Breezin’ Thru ULTIMATE PLAYOFF Results are in! Bravo! A huge thank you to all the students who put their music theory skills to the test across North America and around the world! The Breezin’ Thru Ultimate Playoff is now finished and we have our winners. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS Treble Winner Queen Elizabeth High […]

Building student confidence and musicianship, while keeping things fun is what Breezin’ Thru Theory is all about. Tune into this short webinar as Jean McKen shares some key strategies and best practices as well as stories from other teachers on how they are getting kids excited about learning music theory with Breezin’ Thru.
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The Final Results are in.
The Drill-ceptional Schools for 2019-20 are …
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