The Secret to Funding Your Music Program
Music educators know that teaching music is an inspiring and richly rewarding experience. However, one part of the job that can be the most challenging is ensuring that your music program continues to grow and thrive. Raising the funds to secure necessary equipment, online resources and supplies can be daunting. Discover the three key steps you need to take to give your fundraising efforts wings to fly!
How to Engage Digital Natives in Music Theory
Did you know that only 12% of Gen Z kids — the “digital natives’ born 1996 and later — said they learn through listening to a teacher’s lecture. Tech savvy and not content to be passive learners, these students are shaping change in how music education is taught. Discover the three ways teachers can make learning more fun, helpful and interactive to more deeply engage digital natives in music theory.
7 Steps to Grow Your Music Program
It’s no secret that, as a music educator, you love what you do and want to inspire a lifelong love of music in your students. However, if you’re trying to keep your program thriving, re-energize an existing music program or build one from the ground up, there can be numerous challenges. Here are seven solid strategies designed to help attract and retain kids, and build your program’s profile.
Drill-ceptional #2 (2019-20)
Success Breeds Success …
Welcome to our 2nd “Drill-ceptional Report” for the 2019-20 School Year … where students have fun, build mastery and enjoy a little friendly competition.
(As of Dec 31 ’19)
Drill-ceptional #1 (2019-20)
And They’re Off …
Welcome to our 1st “Drill-ceptional Report” for the 2019-20 School Year … where students have fun, build mastery and enjoy a little friendly competition.
(As of Oct 31 ’19)
Drill-ceptional #3 (2018-19)
Big Gains & Excitement!
Here’s our 3rd “Drill-ceptional Report” for 2018-19 (March 31 ’19)
Drill-ceptional #2 (2018-19)
Lots of Drills & Success!
Here’s our 2nd “Drill-ceptional Report” for 2018-19 (Dec 31 ’18)